Why should you rent?

There are 183 million outgrown baby clothes stored in UK homes.

At SuperLooper, we aim to get as many as possible back into use, renting them to you for as long as you need before they are returned to be loved and looped again! Enjoy having all the cute clothes you need without breaking the bank, and keep your gently worn clothes in use for longer.

Join our multi-award-winning movement to save time, money, and space while helping to reduce textile waste. SuperLooper offers the most convenient, best-value way to get baby clothes you love!

Peace of mind

Reselling baby clothes can be time-consuming, and not everyone has friends or family who can use hand-me-downs. 

It's an emotional ride for parents seeing their babies grow so quickly and it's important to them that their favourite, sometimes hardly-worn outfits find loving homes and stay in use for as long as possible. By ‘consciously clearing-out’ their cupboards, generous Mums & Dads donate their clothes to our Loop to create a sharing and waste-reducing culture :)

Adorable clothes

Our SuperLoop is brimming with baby and children’s clothes handed down with a loop hug from parents who know that sharing is one of the most sustainable actions we can take.

We dress children 0-4 years with options for older siblings up to 7 years which can be included in your order at no added cost. You'll have access to all your favourite brands plus new names for you to discover and love.

We categorise clothes into Very Good, Good, or Playtime condition and 'price' them with loop values to reflect their quality and wear(see 'The Clothes' section in FAQs for more info).

Each loop has a value of £1 with 5 extra loops to spend if you opt for our ‘My Choice’ plan! 

The average ‘Good’ condition item can be rented for around £2 per month or less.

Loved & looped

By renting clothes shared by others for just as long as you need, you're forming a sustainable loop which we'll keep going for as long as the clothes remain cute!

Choose what you want or let us make it super-easy by choosing for you. You can borrow Lucky Loops (aka accessories like muslins, bibs, socks, mats hats etc) FREE OF CHARGE just add your request to your order (subject to availability).

Our true aim is to make lovely secondhand clothing affordable and convenient to access, and to help you take action to protect the planet for your baby's future.

Sign up and start Looping today :)

We can’t do this without you

Please sign up and donate to or rent from SuperLooper.  Tell all your friends, and together we’ll make a difference and protect the planet for the future of our kids.